Monday, April 30, 2012

Matilda Geen - Hair Art

The following pictures will have the theme of hair art. Hair art is very interesting and not very well known. A couple of different artists have experiment around with this idea, sometimes being very successful. Here is a selection of pieces of hair art that the gallery found especially interesting. 

This piece of hair art was done by Culdesac and Studio Mariso. The technique used here is braids and the artist has chosen to use different sized braids to make the hair art look more interesting. The woman in the picture looks quit sad and the hair and make-up look as if she is supposed to resemble someone from the Victorian period. This piece of art work gives off quite a dark mood, and the hair adds to the seriousness of the picture - not one strand is out of place.  

This piece of hair art is by Nagi Noda. Nagi Noda was a famous Japanese artist, who directed movies as well as sang. She was also know for her crazy ideas, hair art being one of them. This piece is from a music video she did a couple of years ago. The hair is in the formation of a moose and although the model looks quite serious, the fact that their is a moose on her head adds some irony to the serious face.

This piece of hair art came from the international festival of "Banks of the Nova river" in St. Petersburg from February 22nd 2009. The festival is held annually and is famous for its crazy hair art and this is just one example of the many different styles at the festival. Her hair here as been put up to look like a dragon, probably consisting with the theme of her outfit for the catwalk.

This hair art is by Brenda Waters. Brenda Waters has won many awards for her crazy hairs styles and says that she gets her inspiration from the earths elements. This piece of hair art is representing fire, which is why she used the reds and oranges and tints of yellow. The style her hair is in in fact makes it look as though her hair is on fire. This is very interesting because fire is normally associated with negative symbolism, the model here looking fierce and focused.

This piece of art is again by Nagi Noda. Here the animal on the models head is a rhino, and again the serious face is a little ironic due to the humor in there being an animal on her head.

This piece of hair art is by Steven Carey. This piece is interesting because the hair does not look real. It does not look like hair, and it is even hard to tell if it is real life - it almost looks like something added on afterwards on Photoshop. The hair here almost looks as though is is paper that has been folded and then put on someones head. The piece gives off a serious and sharp look.

This piece again is by Nagi Noda. This is probably the most ironic one out of the collection. Here the model is even eating her own hair, although she keeps her serious face. The models hair has been made to look as though is is pasta on a plate, with the red strand being the sauce, and the blonde being the spaghetti.

This piece is again by Nagi Noda and modeled by by Joe Odagiri. The hair is supposed to look like a tornado, with pieces everywhere to create the chaos. There is a house in the middle with objects flying around making the hair art look very interesting. Joe Odagiri's face adds to the chaos because he looks almost like he is yelling the the photograph.

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